Release the Pain of the Past FOR GOOD!
Is the pain of the past holding you back? Do you want to move ahead in life, but find the deeply embedded cellular memories of past traumas just too powerful to overcome? Are you ready to move ahead in your life at light speed when you let these past wounds go?
Releasing past pain means releasing it from the cellular memory. When this happens, you are no longer bound by your painful re-experiencing (remembering, re-living, re-imprinting) the past events.
This means physical pain may leave your body along with physical ailments and other limitations. You may find it much easier to be happy, to feel free, to release weight and to pursue your dreams. You may find that your physical body feels lighter and that it just feels more joyful to be alive. As Nassim Haramein has stated, "In the present moment, all times are available because it is shared across the network. The present exists in 'no-time.' The concept of time is secondary to memory. Space time should be called space memory. It's the memory in the structure of space that makes it possible to have time."